Wednesday 7 December 2011

Digital SLR Photography Training: Manifesto

Greetings Comrades,

I am a professional photographer and during the course of my own personal development I have been disappointed and often appalled at the quality of training (both commercial and free) that is out there for both amateur and professional alike.

At the moment we are experiencing a revolution in the world of photography.  It is a fantastic and liberating time.  In truth almost everyone is a photographer now, due mainly to the ubiquity of mobile phones and the breathtaking advancement of digital technology.  My belief is that anybody with a bit of guidance is capable of creating amazing images.

Right now people are getting access to quality SLR cameras and discovering their creative potential.   Post production software is becoming increasingly affordable, available and easier to use.  We are at a point where anyone can get their hands on gear that is capable of producing incredibly quality images, they just need to be shown how to use it.

Here's the main problem as I perceive it.  Loads of talented people, loads of decent equipment, hardly any decent training resources.  It's as simple as that.  The net is awash with free advice, tutorials, video training and the like.  Some is good, some great some funny but most pretty awful.  If you are like me you will have found it frustrating trying to accessing straightforward information.  There are so many blind alleys and time wasters.  I love learning by using You Tube, but please just GET TO THE POINT!!  These people may know their stuff (although that's not a given) but they know nothing about training or how people actually absorb information.

Ok well what about getting some proper hands on tuition?  For sheer expedience or maybe out of frustration (or both if you're me) you may put your hand in your pocket and source some professional training.  I personally have attended many training courses and seminars and will continue to do so.  However, having done this my overall impression is that no one is doing a good job at coming up with the goods.  Again its the same as on the net but in some ways worse.  Usually with a little bit of thought and structure the material could have been distilled, delivered in a quarter of the time and had twice the impact.  These people are not professional trainers though, and truth be known many still guard their secrets.

So with all that in mind and over ten years experience in training I decided it was time to try and change things.    I want to build a community around a free resource that is accurate, concise, fun and ever expanding.  I want to document my learning and the learnings of others in such a way that allows people excel quickly at this art without wasting hours listening to egocentric (and yes, many times funny) half baked photographers.  I also want to meet like minded people who are as passionate about their art as I am.  I want you to join me.

If you agree with these sentiments and want progress quickly in the world of photography then please do visit the site, join the forum and feel free to make requests for content.

This is just the start but it is happening so watch this space...

All the best


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